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Apogee på svenska i engelska-svenska lexikon

apoapsis BETA. apocalypse · apocalyptic · apocry These six parameters are called the Keplerian elements or orbital elements. The point where the satellite is the farthest away is called the apoapsis, and has the associated length and when it is at apogee the angle is \theta = 18 The point of the orbit of the Moon or an artificial satellite at which it is farthest from the Earth. Compare perigee.

Apoapsis vs apogee

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Synonymer: apogee · Share Tweet Share Share  the point in an orbit farthest from the body being orbited)) point of apoapsis apocynum androsaemifolium · apocynum cannabinum · apodictic · apogee  Synonyms and Antonymous of the word apogee in Almaany dictionary. Synonyms of " apogee " ( noun ) : culmination , phase , stage ; ( noun ) : apoapsis , point  Olshevsky, V; Pontin, D. , I; Williams, B.; Parnell, C. E. et al. APOGEE Data and Spectral Analysis from SDSS Data Release 16: Seven Years of Evidence of Electron Density Enhancements in the Post-Apoapsis Sector of Enceladus' Orbit. Översättning av ordet apogee från engelska till svenska med synonymer, 2. apogee - apoapsis in Earth orbit; the point in its orbit where a satellite is at the  Varför applicerades en sådan liten delta-v under ström i omloppsbana tillräckligt En bana 90 km höjdperigee och 400 apogee rör sig 7,58 km km / s vid apogee. Visst kan periapsis aldrig vara * närmare * apoapsis än jordens centrum är.



(astronomy) The point, in an orbit about the Earth, that is furthest from the Earth: the apoapsis of an Earth orbiter. (astronomy, more  berörd del: apogee.

Hur man uttalar "apogee" HowPronounce.com

This maneuver requires a change in the orbital velocity vector at the orbital nodes (i.e.

In context|astronomy|lang=en terms the difference between apogee and aphelion is that apogee is (astronomy) the point, in an orbit about the earth, that is furthest from the earth: the apoapsis of an earth orbiter while aphelion is (astronomy) the point in the elliptical orbit of a planet, comet, etc, where it is Apogee (Substantiv) Der Punkt in einer Umlaufbahn um die Erde, der am weitesten von der Erde entfernt ist: die Apoapsis eines Erdorbiters. Apogee (Substantiv) Der Punkt in einer Umlaufbahn um einen beliebigen Planeten, der am weitesten vom Planeten entfernt ist: die Apoapsis eines beliebigen Satelliten. Apogee (Substantiv) The difference between apogee and acme is that “apogee” is the point, in an orbit about the Earth, that is furthest from the Earth: the apoapsis of an Earth orbiter and “acme” is the top or highest point; pinnacle; culmination. [c. 1610]. apogee acme Noun (astronomy) The point, in an orbit about the Earth, that […] Apogee (imenica) Točka u orbiti oko Zemlje koja je najudaljenija od Zemlje: apoapsis zemaljskog orbitera.
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Apoapsis vs apogee

För elliptika banor om en törre kropp finn det två apider, namngivna med prefixen peri- (från περί (peri), om betyder nära) och ap- / apo- (från ἀπ (ό) (ap (ó)), vilket betyder bort från) lägg till en Semi-major axis vs. apogee and perigee of orbit. Ask Question I know apoapsis and periapsis are sometimes given relative the surface of the object being orbited, Perigee vs. Apogee Perigee An apsis (Greek: ἁψίς; plural apsides , Greek: ἁψῖδες) is an extreme point in the orbit of an object.

apoapsis in Earth orbit; the point in its orbit where a satellite is at the greatest distance from the Earth. Synonymer: apogee · Share Tweet Share Share  the point in an orbit farthest from the body being orbited)) point of apoapsis apocynum androsaemifolium · apocynum cannabinum · apodictic · apogee  Synonyms and Antonymous of the word apogee in Almaany dictionary. Synonyms of " apogee " ( noun ) : culmination , phase , stage ; ( noun ) : apoapsis , point  Olshevsky, V; Pontin, D. , I; Williams, B.; Parnell, C. E. et al.
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apogeum (astronomi).