Those who cannot stay: Implementing return policy in Sweden


Accommodation for asylum seekers – the Swedish Migration

• The Government decided to introduce temporary border controls at internal borders. The decision has been extend-ed several times and current-ly applies until 11 November 2019. • On 20 July 2016, a temporary act was introduced bring-ing Sweden’s asylum rules in line with minimum standards under EU law. Under this act, 2020-11-30 · The first report and first three updates were compiled by George Joseph, Director of National and Migration Department, Caritas Sweden and Michael Williams of the Swedish Network of Refugee Support Groups (FARR), and edited by ECRE. The 2016, 2017 and 2018 updates were prepared by Michael Williams of FARR and Lisa Hallstedt.

Sweden asylum seekers

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Asylum seekers. A person exempt from the requirement to hold a work permit (has AT-UND) has the right to work in Sweden without a work permit. You can see if an asylum seeker has AT-UND by looking at the Asylum Seeker card that all asylum seekers in Sweden have. When you apply for asylum you have to describe who you are, why you want to apply for asylum and how you travelled to Sweden. You must state who you are.

That the rise of the anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats marks a sharp divergence from the past is clear, but  Oct 19, 2020 Refugees are already a vulnerable group in society and are in a stressful situation due to their often uncertain legal status in seeking asylum  Feb 10, 2016 When the refugee crisis began last summer, about 1,500 people were coming to Sweden every week seeking asylum.

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It granted asylum at the first request in 69 percent of instances, the same approval rate as Germany but less than the Netherlands (72 percent) and Austria (72 percent). Sweden Research interviewed 456 asylum seekers from countries including Syria and Somalia in 16 different towns across Sweden between November 2015 and May 2016 for the report 'Asylum seekers in Sweden – thoughts, plans and feelings'. The majority of respondents also filled out a written questionnaire. 2016-09-02 · Among the 577 former asylum seekers, 191 came to Sweden before 2010, and 386 arrived in 2010 or later.

Joint Written submission by Church of Sweden* and the

More alleged was that the legislative system in Sweden regarding refugees’ opportunities to stay was generous. During the interviews, asylum seekers with different backgrounds expressed their concerns about the future of living in Sweden, still unaware of their chances of For asylum seekers.

You don’t have the same work rights as other workers in Sweden. You are, for instance, not entitled to sick grant if you become injured or ill. In Sweden, maternal care and obstetric care are free for asylum seekers. This includes care in connection with abortions.
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Sweden asylum seekers

Jul 17, 2019 Over the last five years, Sweden accepted more than 400,000 asylum seekers and relatives of previous immigrants. Sweden's mix of high taxes  Jul 10, 2017 In 2015, the government of Sweden, a country of not quite 10 million people, recorded nearly 163,000 asylum-seekers arriving in the country. The  Feb 10, 2019 for Rejected Asylum Seekers in Austria, the Netherlands, and Sweden Rejected asylum seekers who are not provided accommodation and  Jan 30, 2019 In reality, the deal merely papers over the discontent that's been eating away at Swedish liberalism since the beginning of the Syrian refugee  Jan 21, 2019 “Close to 5000 people have already received asylum in Sweden due to newly introduced 'law of upper secondary education'. All from  Jan 7, 2014 Interior ministry announcement comes on the third day of a strike by African asylum seekers, with thousands gathering in Tel Aviv park to  Jul 20, 2016 Tougher new asylum law comes into force Sweden's tougher law on asylum seekers begins today, a month after it was approved by Parliament  Feb 23, 2016 Many refugees moved across Denmark from Germany to reach Sweden, which has had one of Europe's most open policies toward asylum  Oct 3, 2016 The Swedish migration agency has received criticism regarding how they handle asylum cases based on sexuality and gender identity claims.

Swedish asylum policy has taken a restrictionist turn since the country received a record-breaking number of asylum seekers in 2015 and after electoral gains by the nationalist, anti-immigration Sweden Democrats pushed the governing coalition to a harder line. Still, other aspects of the country’s migration policy remain welcoming, as this country profile explores.
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Such encouragement is not necessarily the case in other European countries. For instance, in the UK, most asylum seekers are denied the right to 2020-11-30 · The preferred forms of accommodation for housing asylum seekers are individual flats which are rented in most municipalities working with the Migration Agency in Sweden.